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Swimmer Pattern


How did the story come up?

The inspiration of this book is from a real life personal experience of body shaming, including some of my friend's challenges with their insecurities like their sexuality to the way they look ; body,features, etc.

After what i experienced myself, i realised that skinny-shaming exists too, along with other body types and people dont really care about the rest like how they walk on egg shells when talking about plus-sized bodies. If all bodies are criticised, then what is perfect?

Sexuality on the other hand, i found out that it is a big insecurity to the LGBT community as most people are against it and those who are apart of it have this heavy weight on their backs because of something they can't change.

Seeing that these two topic are quite similar, I decided to combine them to change the society's mindset towards normalising the different types of body types, body sizes, gender, sexuality. With this picture book, i also hope to be able to reach out to those suffering from any insecurities, to love and accept themselves, instead of caring about what the society has to say about them.


Khairul Karim

-Author & Illustrator of Only I Matter-

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